I was going to write a post about this yesterday, but I guess I can justify it this morning, since I don't technically turn 17 until tonight. Wow...did I just say SEVENTEEN? That means that I will never ever ever be 16 ever again. And I thought adults were the only ones who talked about getting old! lol
One of my New Year's resolutions this year, was to 'not waste any time'. Of course, as New Year's resolutions usually go, you start out strong, and then gradually 'life' gets in the way, and you forget all about it. I definitely noticed that media has gotten to be a bigger distraction for me this year, as I have had more relaxed limits on how much I go on the computer. TV shows are one of the worst distractions, because of how addicting they can be. Of course, this blog is on the computer, so hopefully I can begin to develop a time limit and schedule for my posts in the future.
However, as I was reflecting on the past year in my journal last night, I did come up with several life-shaping events and growing experiences that have molded me to where I am today.
Here are some of the things I came up with (in no particular order):
- Recently, I had the privilege to stand up with one of my best friends at her wedding! It was my favorite wedding I've ever been to, in a (classy) barn complete with cowboy boots and coral accents!
- I got my first real job (besides babysitting) at Dairy Queen.
- (The same week I got my job) I also became a licensed driver!
- I improved in volleyball, and started to serve overhand more consistently.
- I also surprised myself and improved my shot in basketball, which made for a fun season.
- My family made a trip out west for the first time, seeing the badlands, Mt. Rushmore, and other tourist places.
- I've been blessed with many opportunities to work on improving my photography skills.
- So far, I've taken the ACT twice (and hopefully won't need to again!).
- I've toured two college campuses and taken classes and CLEP tests for some college credit.
- Since I had my job, finally I got to sponser a little girl from the Congo, through Global Fingerprints.
- With Bible Quizzing, I was able to learn around 300 verses of Romans.
- This year was my first time dancing for my recital on pointe shoes.
- In January, I was able to finish reading through the entire Bible (in 2 years)
Great title for this post! Can't believe all the 'growing up' you've done this past year, with so many stretching and wonderful experiences. Love you, my sweet daughter! Mom